postgraduate studies
Hi! Today the topic is
Postgraduate studies
Really I don’t know
that I will do, few time I think about it. Honestly I wouldn’t like. Maybe to
do, if it were necessary. But I think it’s not necessary, I think
it´s a deal, mostly in Chile. Really, Do We need to study all life long? Maybe,
but it’s not necessary in a University or institute.
Well, but if is necessary …
I like to study something related with Andina culture, and its influence in the
North of Chile. This requires I will have to live in this area, and to
do postgraduate course in “Universidad de Tarapacá” or “Universidad Católica
del Norte”. I would like to specialize in cave art, or consumption of
hallucinogenic substances.
I have also thought about the possibility of becoming a Magister at this University, but I do not find it very attractive, besides being very expensive: 131.250 enrollment and 3.080.936 tariff .
you're right in some aspects, but the career doesn't give you all the academic tools you need (you wrote just 157 words!)