postgraduate studies

Hi! Today the topic is Postgraduate studies
 Really I don’t know that I will do, few time I think about it. Honestly I wouldn’t like. Maybe to do, if it were necessary. But   I think it’s not necessary, I think it´s a deal, mostly in Chile. Really, Do We need to study all life long? Maybe, but it’s not necessary in a University or institute.
Well, but if is necessary … I like to study something related with Andina culture, and its influence in the North of Chile.  This requires I will have to live in this area, and to do postgraduate course in “Universidad de Tarapacá” or “Universidad Católica del Norte”. I would like to specialize in cave art, or consumption of hallucinogenic substances.

 I have also thought about the possibility of becoming a Magister at this University, but I do not find it very attractive, besides being very expensive:  131.250 enrollment and 3.080.936 tariff .

Resultado de imagen para arte rupestre en el norte grande


  1. you're right in some aspects, but the career doesn't give you all the academic tools you need (you wrote just 157 words!)


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