The worst day ...

The first time that I traveled in a plane I didn’t know as how to get to the airport. I was so scared of loosing my trip that I take wrong urban bus. It was 3 am, and I was lost in Central Station, without money and with a very heavy backpack on the shoulders. I didn't know that to do! I had very afraid!
Then appeared some bad guys that tried steal me. Then I ran to some police that were close. I told them my sad story and they pitied me , so they tried to help me.
The trouble was that they can´t leave their commune and the airport was in Pudahuel,so they called other police in the commune of Pudahuel to take me to the airport, But for this I had to pretended to be familiar to some police. For one night I was Susana Soto daughter of Fernando Soto a retired police officer.They almost discovered me, I would have had many problems!
Finally, I arrived at the airport two hours before. Now that I think about it maybe this happened because I had not slept in three days.
and you? what was your day?
the deadline was Friday 29th